


I’m sure you’ve heard of the adage “feel the fear and do it anyway”. The idea behind is a sensible one. If you’re afraid of doing something as it’s out of your comfort zone, you should push through the fear and get the thing done. It’s good for your growth. The typical self-help mindset sees procrastination and hesitance to action as a problem. If your fear is standing in your way, you should analyze what…

Confusion is a state that the mind desperately tries to get out of, as soon as it finds itself in it. Shock is often times our first response to any unexpected incidents, trauma and loss in life. And then there’s the inevitable question of “why did this happen to me”, and it’s spiritual variation– “why did God let this happen”.What we often do not see is the layered truth about confusion. The disguised blessing it’s…

The wants and desires of your human self are the “plotting device” of life to propel continuous actions from you on your hero’s journey. However, your goals and desires, at any point in time, speak little about your true highest potential, as the mind is wired to focus on what’s right in front of us, and has limited vision about what your life can be. We don’t know what we don’t know. (How many times have…

Have you ever had the feeling that you have so much potential, yet you don’t know how to “get there”? If you have, consider it a nudge from your soul that calls you to align with your highest destiny.When it comes to the “highest potential”, most people think of it as worldly achievements– become the President, win the Oscar, break the world record of pepperroni pizzas eaten in one single hour…While those goals are all…

Shame is one of the most powerful programming that run on the human operating system. It’s powerful partly because we impulsively want to run away from it, and what you avoid inevitably holds power over you. It’s also powerful because unlike other so called negative emotions, such as fear, sadness, and anger, the target of shame is almost always the self. Not even any ephemeral aspect of the self. But the self in its totality…

Your #1 job in an intimate relationship is to love. While on paper that seems like a no brainer, very few people actually treat their relationships that way. In most cases the human self has other agendas. And despite how much we consciously think we want to love and be loved, most of us are actually afraid of love because it’s a powerful force that has the potential to annihilate the ego. In this episode…

From time to time I get listener messages that share with me their relationship “situations”, often times right after someone got their heart broken and they are feeling distraught. Sometimes they even say thing like, “I don’t know why, but I always manage to pick the wrong person!’ Intimate relationships are almost always huge growth and healing opportunities, no matter what the outcome of the relationship is. Sometimes we attract people into our lives so…

LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE ON SOUNDWISE Imagine how much more effective your social interactions would be if you could read anyone’s “vibe” on the spot. Want to know who to talk to as you walk into a networking event? Try to decide if you should go on a second date with the charming stranger from Tinder? Want to know how you can best help when your spouse/child seem down? Being able to intuitively read others…

LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE ON SOUNDWISE A stranger called me a whore yesterday. Yep, you read it right. Listen to find out what happened, what I learned from it, how I responded, and why people being mean to you is good for your personal freedom. Subscribe to The True Voyage: A Soundcast For The Journey Within

I’m sure you’ve noticed…you behave differently around different people. Each relationship of yours fulfill specific psychological and energetic needs for you and the other person. There’re implicit contracts we have with everyone in our life—most time we’re not aware of it—regarding what we give and what we receive in the relationship. That’s why most relationship dynamics are quite stylized— we tend to interact with someone in the same way over and over. Even when a…

In this episode of True Voyage I talk about the relationships that don’t “work out”. As long as you’re human, you’ve probably had those. And sucky as they are, those are a primary tool life uses to help you evolve in consciousness. Heartbreak is life’s invitation to you to deepen the love affair with your precious self. And more importantly–for those who are ready–it is also a doorway to your inner freedom and authentic power…if…

For many light beings, the purpose of intimate relationships is not what it seems to be. And ultimately, the relationships are there to facilitate the healing and growth of your human self, by allowing you to see and heal what need to be healed in you and by helping you burn through layers of whatever is stopping you from being totally free. Sometimes relationships don’t “work out” because their purpose is to instigate you and to…

Have you ever taken an online personality test? Or believed that you have some inconvenient idiosyncrasies because of a childhood trauma? We live in a world that worships analysis. We like to analyze, evaluate, classify and probe into our own psyche, behaviors, emotions and habits, in the name of “self improvement”. And we like to do this to others even more. This kind of activities, though helpful to certain extent, can quickly become a total…

Lots of my readers ask me when they will find “the one”. Recently I got this message from a lovely person: “I want to meet a love partner, but it just doesn’t seem to come my way yet. Mind you I am not desperate. But I have a lot of capacity for love. I don’t know where to direct it except to my family. I’d love to have a baby, but that’s apparently not coming my…

If you’ve ever lost anyone you loved—to a breakup, a divorce, an illness, a death—you probably wondered, in the depth of those sleepless nights when you were engrossed in pain and enraged against the Universe…what’s the point? No matter whose “fault” it was– yours, theirs, God’s, and no matter how much the outcome could be justified, your pain is real. Your loss is undeniable. Why, indeed, were those precious connections given to you, if…

↑ That’s a trick title. Gotcha! April fools! Yay! But sweetheart, what make you think it’s a good idea to get them back? In this video, I answer a million-dollar relationship question that’s as old as humanity itself, and that has recently manifested itself in my email inbox as a reader request. I talk about a common relationship pattern of many empathic and energetically sensitive folks, and also… the difference between energetic and earth connections and why…