There are perhaps 1,000 people on earth today who firmly believe they were Cleopatra in their past life. There are probably another 1,000 who are convinced that they are Jesus Christ reborn. Are they for real, or totally out of their mind? The answer is actually not binary on this. Because as often happens, the truth, when perceived and narrated from the viewpoint of the ego, becomes misunderstood, and ceases to be the truth. Do…
Pop psychology made self love and self acceptance hip concepts these days. And as usual, the ego spins a concept that was supposedly spiritual truth to advance its own agenda. That’s why, for many people, self acceptance has become simply a tactic to get what they want– “accept” your inner child so that you can get it to behave, or a tactic to appease the suffering of not getting what your ego wants– Feeling terrible…
From the view of your human self, disruptions are terrible events. From the view of your soul, disruptions are some of the greatest blessings life can ever give you. In particular, expansion of consciousness and greater personal freedom rely on two kinds of disruptions: Disruption of personal identity Disruption between action and result The first disruption brings the realization that your real identity is not a small human, but an unbreakable, undestroyable manifestation of the…
There is no universal truth. There’re only levels of truth. The world looks different when you look at it with different eyes. And as your consciousness evolves, what often happens is that what was truth to you yesterday will no longer be so tomorrow. It doesn’t mean you were wrong. It just means your container, your lens, has changed. Take, for example, the pseudo-spiritual concepts of “karma” and “law of attraction”. Are they true? Well,…
The Universe is organizing a collective shift of consciousness that’s being delivered in the form of a global pandemic. The shift means different things to different people. But one thing for sure is that all of us take part in it. This collective shift brings many blessings, though many of them may not look like blessings. For example, the mandatory self quarantine and social distancing is in fact an externally enforced opportunity to go within…
I’m sure you’ve heard of the adage “feel the fear and do it anyway”. The idea behind is a sensible one. If you’re afraid of doing something as it’s out of your comfort zone, you should push through the fear and get the thing done. It’s good for your growth. The typical self-help mindset sees procrastination and hesitance to action as a problem. If your fear is standing in your way, you should analyze what…
What percentage of your body are you occupying? That may sound like a strange question. But in fact, most of us are not fully present in our body most of the time. And when someone is not present, you feel it. Though ironically they themselves don’t ever take notice. Empathic beings tend to occupy less of our body– because everything seems so overwhelming on earth. When someone says you have an “ethereal” quality about you,…
Over the past year I’ve been called to become increasingly non-busy. My activity level has been going down, while I spend more and more time in quiet nothingness. But here’s the thing. Although I’ve been doing less, my output–the amount of my intellectual and creative production–has not decreased. A part of me felt guilty. If you had been raised by workaholic parents who use activity as the panacea for all ills of life, you’d feel…
I’m a huge fan of the Disney movie Frozen when it first came out in 2013. Last week, Frozen 2 was released in theatres. As of yesterday afternoon, I already watched it three times (Don’t judge. I have justifications!) A fairytale like Frozen is highly symbolic– it represents an archetypal story of a certain aspect of human existence. And the archetype of Frozen’s heroine, Elsa, is one that’s particularly instructional to any empathic badass, or…
Change is an uncomfortable business. Evolution = Change on the most fundamental scale. Consciousness evolution = Change on the most fundamental scale to how your human system processes, stores, and uses information. So it’s no wonder that consciousness evolution is probably one of the most cognitively uncomfortable things you’d ever experience. That’s why many of us can feel so disoriented, confused and pained in the process of so-called spiritual awakening (read: consciousness evolution with a…
It’s not an accident that many so-called charismatic leaders are narcissists. After all, leadership requires an unwavering conviction in your own vision of the world. And the inability to empathize with others makes it easier to be unwavering in whatever you believe in. Except such leadership does not often steer the world into a better place, for obvious reasons. In contrast, visionary leadership is often challenging for empathic light beings who have not taken the…
Imagine for a sec that you’re a baby penguin, but you don’t know that you’re a penguin– because you grow up in a chicken coop. You have chicken parents, chicken friends, and chicken school teachers. Everyone of them tells you that you are one of them and you’re expected to behave accordingly… …until one day a realization dawns on you that you’re in fact not a chicken, that you’re actually something else entirely though you…
When you’re highly empathic, the negative energies in the world may feel a hundred times more overwhelming to you than to an average person. The uninitiated takes this sensitivity as a weakness and a burden. But to the empathic warrior on a path of consciousness evolution, this special trait is in fact a blessing to help you expand your personal freedom and become a stronger force of light in the world.You see, it works exactly…
I had a friend who was the busiest woman in the world. Everytime I talk to her, she was inevitably on her way to doing something important, an appointment, a meeting, an event… She was incredibly productive, and also never had any time. You’d think someone like that probably accomplishes a lot in their day and makes a great impact in the world. But not quite. She was not particularly happy with either her career…
The month of November has been a month of consciousness evolution, with many people on this evolutionary path, including some in our empathic badass tribe, experiencing an intensified period of internal shift. If you’ve been feeling extra lack of concentration, spacey, unproductive, forgetful, emotional, or exhausted in the past few weeks, don’t be alarmed. Your system is doing some heavy-lifting in the background to advance your own evolution right now. Give yourself some space, would…
When I was 10 years old, one day I was alone at home and discovered–to my horror–a large family of cockroaches in the kitchen cupboard. It was an emergency situation. I wasn’t sure what disturbed the roaches. But when I opened the cupboard, hundreds of them jumped out at me from nowhere. An army of dark force. I was grossed out and scared to death. My heart pounding and my hands shaking, I grabbed a…
When life present you with challenging people and situations, do you automatically start wondering what the hell is wrong with you, or what spiritual performance you need to deliver to avoid “attracting” such bad luck into your sphere? If so, stop. When the Universe is repeatedly throwing challenging situations at you that are of similar nature, it’s for one reason and one reason only– to help you heal from past traumas and reconnect with your…
Many spiritual people have this subtly misguided belief, which says if you’re sufficiently enlightened and your “vibration” is high enough, things should go your way– the Universe should shower you with flowers, miracles and synchronicities, and angels should sing your name to eternity. On the other hand, if shit happens, that must mean you’re unconscious and somehow misaligned with the higher order. That belief should probably be ranked among the top 3 all-time most-unhelpful spiritual…
What does it mean to live as the Source? How can you find the courage to express your own truth, live more fearlessly, and pursue your highest potential? Kasey and Brad Wallis are renowned facilitators of expanding consciousness. Since Brad’s near-death experience, they have been conduits for an advanced intelligence named Julius, who offers messages of empowerment and enlightenment for humanity. For the past 10 years, the Wallis’ have been inviting people worldwide to embrace…
For the light of your consciousness to illuminate the world, For you to become the healing presence you came to this planet to be, first you have to BE HERE. That sounds plain and simple. But for many energetically sensitive beings walking the path of liberation and authenticity, we are never fully “here”. Because we feel so much and the world can be so damn painful and overwhelming. So we keep one foot out of…