Confusion is a state that the mind desperately tries to get out of, as soon as it finds itself in it. Shock is often times our first response to any unexpected incidents, trauma and loss in life. And then there’s the inevitable question of “why did this happen to me”, and it’s spiritual variation– “why did God let this happen”.What we often do not see is the layered truth about confusion. The disguised blessing it’s…
When the mind is in charge of making decisions for you, everything you do is a means to an end. Yet you’d never find the “end”. It’s something outside the domain of the mind. So when you reach a seeming end, you always realize that it’s still just a means to some other end.In contrast, when your decision making is driven by an intuitive connection with the Source, the things you do are always for…
When people tell me about their experience of going through intense periods of inner transformation, it typically includes side effects like these: Overwhelm, depression, frustration, spaciness, lack of drive, lack of focus, chronic exhaustion, mood swings, trouble sleeping. There are many reasons why you may be experiencing some of these symptoms. But not all of these reasons are spiritual or mystical. In fact, there’s a very basic reason for these side effects that applies to…
What does it mean to live as the Source? How can you find the courage to express your own truth, live more fearlessly, and pursue your highest potential? Kasey and Brad Wallis are renowned facilitators of expanding consciousness. Since Brad’s near-death experience, they have been conduits for an advanced intelligence named Julius, who offers messages of empowerment and enlightenment for humanity. For the past 10 years, the Wallis’ have been inviting people worldwide to embrace…
Hey guys, this is episode Eight of the True Voyage soundcast and today I want to talk about…delays. Have you had the feeling that going through life is like being stuck in traffic? You’re never going anywhere that you want to go fast enough and you wonder, well, when exactly is this going to happen? When am I going to finally reach my goals? Or is this ever going to happen at all? Sometimes life…
In this episode of True Voyage I talk about the relationships that don’t “work out”. As long as you’re human, you’ve probably had those. And sucky as they are, those are a primary tool life uses to help you evolve in consciousness. Heartbreak is life’s invitation to you to deepen the love affair with your precious self. And more importantly–for those who are ready–it is also a doorway to your inner freedom and authentic power…if…
Many believe that the solar eclipse that’s ongoing today (Aug 21) has been affecting both the world affairs and individual lives in creating chaos, conflicts and disharmony. Personally I’ve had a turbulent week emotionally and energetically. When I mentioned it to a friend, she immediately went, “oh, it’s because of the solar eclipse!”. Is it? When things don’t go our way, most of us instinctually reject the situation as unacceptable. And in order to make…
The other day I got an email from a reader who’s going through her version of inner purgatory. “How can one get through the day when everything feels so heavy and when months and months pass by and there is no relief in sight?” She asked. “How can one trust that a better life is out there, that a better version of me is getting ready to emerge?” Sometimes the journey towards an inner breakthrough…
Every month I get lots of emails from people around the world telling me about their journey of personal transformation. Every story I hear is so amazing and unique. But at the end of the emails I’m almost always asked the same questions— “Omg what I’m going through is so painful. When is it going to end?” “How do I get out of this awful state? How can I make it happen faster? Why haven’t…
In this video I talk about what I call “transformational fatigue”, the burnout feeling you get sometimes when you’re going through a re-wiring of the energetic make-up of of your being. Any change, including change in your consciousness, can be exhausting. The intangible transformation can take up more energy and mental space than you’ve ever realized. Don’t judge yourself for being “negative” or unproductive. Respect your own metamorphic process. And give it space to happen. Watch…
This video is my intuitive visioning of what 2015 means for all who check any of the following – A. are energetically sensitive B. are going through a major transformation C. felt like shit sometimes in 2014 D. still feel like shit E. feel “emptied out” F. feel life has been a standstill If you’re not any of these, you can still watch. I won’t judge 😎 Happy New Year to all! * *…