Your #1 job in an intimate relationship is to love. While on paper that seems like a no brainer, very few people actually treat their relationships that way. In most cases the human self has other agendas. And despite how much we consciously think we want to love and be loved, most of us are actually afraid of love because it’s a powerful force that has the potential to annihilate the ego. In this episode…
LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE ON SOUNDWISE Many people who’re experiencing internal awakening told me they felt tired and trained all the time, to the point of not being able to complete daily routines, let alone doing productive work. And human interactions feel especially draining. Every physical experience has a spiritual aspect. The so-called “chronic fatigue” is no exception. In this episode, I talk about a common reason of why you feel drained all the time.…
LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE ON SOUNDWISE A stranger called me a whore yesterday. Yep, you read it right. Listen to find out what happened, what I learned from it, how I responded, and why people being mean to you is good for your personal freedom. Subscribe to The True Voyage: A Soundcast For The Journey Within
I’m sure you’ve noticed…you behave differently around different people. Each relationship of yours fulfill specific psychological and energetic needs for you and the other person. There’re implicit contracts we have with everyone in our life—most time we’re not aware of it—regarding what we give and what we receive in the relationship. That’s why most relationship dynamics are quite stylized— we tend to interact with someone in the same way over and over. Even when a…
For most people, life is an inner war on a daily basis, from the smallest logistics…need to get out of bed, oh no!…to the paradigm-altering life decisions that you’re too afraid to make. There’s a firmly established command-and-judge program installed in almost everyone, to get the human self behave in such ways that the ego gets what it wants. These inner wars are exhausting (though you may not even be aware of it since you’re…
In this episode of True Voyage I talk about the relationships that don’t “work out”. As long as you’re human, you’ve probably had those. And sucky as they are, those are a primary tool life uses to help you evolve in consciousness. Heartbreak is life’s invitation to you to deepen the love affair with your precious self. And more importantly–for those who are ready–it is also a doorway to your inner freedom and authentic power…if…
Many on the spiritual path believe that they have to diligently work on their beliefs. Because beliefs carry vibrations and “change your thoughts, change your life”, no? While it’s true that beliefs impact your state of being and working on them can be incredibly empowering and life-affirming in certain situations, the belief about the importance of beliefs often becomes counter-productive when it instigates such fear that the ego thinks a witch hunt for negative beliefs…
For many light beings, the purpose of intimate relationships is not what it seems to be. And ultimately, the relationships are there to facilitate the healing and growth of your human self, by allowing you to see and heal what need to be healed in you and by helping you burn through layers of whatever is stopping you from being totally free. Sometimes relationships don’t “work out” because their purpose is to instigate you and to…
Have you ever taken an online personality test? Or believed that you have some inconvenient idiosyncrasies because of a childhood trauma? We live in a world that worships analysis. We like to analyze, evaluate, classify and probe into our own psyche, behaviors, emotions and habits, in the name of “self improvement”. And we like to do this to others even more. This kind of activities, though helpful to certain extent, can quickly become a total…
If you want to stay fit physically, you should go to the gym and exercise regularly. If you want to stay fit spiritually, you should go to the gym also– to the gratitude gym. Gratitude is a powerful state of being. It expands your existence, opens your heart, lifts your spirit, and makes you an all-around cool person. It also creates the internal alignment for you to make whatever dreams of yours come true. I was feeling…
Lots of my readers ask me when they will find “the one”. Recently I got this message from a lovely person: “I want to meet a love partner, but it just doesn’t seem to come my way yet. Mind you I am not desperate. But I have a lot of capacity for love. I don’t know where to direct it except to my family. I’d love to have a baby, but that’s apparently not coming my…
If you’ve ever lost anyone you loved—to a breakup, a divorce, an illness, a death—you probably wondered, in the depth of those sleepless nights when you were engrossed in pain and enraged against the Universe…what’s the point? No matter whose “fault” it was– yours, theirs, God’s, and no matter how much the outcome could be justified, your pain is real. Your loss is undeniable. Why, indeed, were those precious connections given to you, if…
↑ That’s a trick title. Gotcha! April fools! Yay! But sweetheart, what make you think it’s a good idea to get them back? In this video, I answer a million-dollar relationship question that’s as old as humanity itself, and that has recently manifested itself in my email inbox as a reader request. I talk about a common relationship pattern of many empathic and energetically sensitive folks, and also… the difference between energetic and earth connections and why…
The past month has been a difficult time for many, as the configuration of planetary energy stirred up conflict and turmoil, both internal and external. If you’ve lost/separated from loved ones during this time, see your project/business stalled, or find yourself drowning in self doubt and sorrow for no reason, my heart goes out to you. I myself have experienced the disintegration of an intimate relationship, despite our genuine love and mutual efforts to be…
The most dreadful time of the year is finally upon you, when you get together with those people you judge the most in the world, so that you could mentally bitch about all their obnoxious quirks while chewing your turkey to death. You don’t mean to judge, of course. You’re a good person. More than a good person, actually. Normally you are generous, kind, self-aware, open-minded, and capable of taking the high road whenever the…
The prevailing psychological wisdom of our time tells you that your current dysfunctions are probably a result of your past experiences, e.g., your painful childhood, your stupid parents, your abusive first love, and the wars, famines, and hurricanes you were forced by fate to go through. If you’re metaphysically inclined, you may even believe that your present pain has its roots in a past life, a past past life, a past past past life. (By…
We live in a society obsessed about fixing wounds and finding remedies. We judge, analyze, and create theories about our wounds. We think we are not ok because of our wounds. We take them apart and put them back together. We believe if we could just heal this childhood trauma and cure that emotional disorder, we would finally be happy and free. You can always find more wounds to heal, if you so choose. You…
During this human journey, our relationships with ourselves and the rest of the world constantly change. Yet there are significant gateways almost all of us go through. These are what I call the “Seven Stages of Human Mastery”. There are variations on the theme and the timing of each stage is different for all of us. Still, these are the common signposts that guides a soul’s journey towards self realization— Stage 1: Wounded in…
“I realize I need to love myself more!“ I hear people say that a lot these days. Self-love is hip now. Even my 64 year old mother, who hates internet listacles, emailed me an article the other day called “5 Ways to Love Yourself Before You Leave the House”. “Read that,” my mom said on the phone. “And eat more salad!” Yet it seems nobody has a definitive answer on what self-love exactly entails. The…