


Your feelings about other people alway say more about you than about them. Your jealousy often shows you what you’ve been programmed to believe that you need to be or need to have, in order to be worthy of love and acceptance. Your negative judgements often tell you which part of your humanness that you’ve shoveled into the shadows because they do not fit in neatly in the programmed self image of the ego. And…

There are certain buzzwords that get thrown around a lot in personal development circles that have no fixed definitions and are totally up for everyone’s interpretation. People would read about or hear these words and think they know what they refer to. Yet upon close examination, you realize that the exact meaning of those words is lost on almost everyone. One of these buzz phrases is “highest potential”.  When someone says such and such will…

Confusion is a state that the mind desperately tries to get out of, as soon as it finds itself in it. Shock is often times our first response to any unexpected incidents, trauma and loss in life. And then there’s the inevitable question of “why did this happen to me”, and it’s spiritual variation– “why did God let this happen”.What we often do not see is the layered truth about confusion. The disguised blessing it’s…

Most humans are a product of their lineages. Whether you receive the gifts and limitations of their lineage through “nature” or “nurture”, the pack of scripts (human softwares) that get passed down from generation to generation has a huge influence on who you think you are. For many, many people that actually define who they are and how they behave entirely– they’re a collection of scripts being handed down from the collective, covered by a…

Shame is one of the most powerful programming that run on the human operating system. It’s powerful partly because we impulsively want to run away from it, and what you avoid inevitably holds power over you. It’s also powerful because unlike other so called negative emotions, such as fear, sadness, and anger, the target of shame is almost always the self. Not even any ephemeral aspect of the self. But the self in its totality…

LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE ON SOUNDWISE Last week I got this message from a listener, “I love, love your power mornings course…I’m doing your clarity finder exercise to connect with my higher self. But I don’t know if I’m doing it right. How do I know the information I get is real?” This is actually a common thought most of us have when we get an intuitive message– “Is this for real or am I…

You’ve waited and waited. Still, you don’t have any clarity… …about what you really want, about the next steps, about “should I…or should I not”, about how to get from here to there. You’re not alone. Most of life is the art of treading in the murky water of unknowingness most of the time. Nobody is an exception. When you hear successful people say “I knew I wanted to be a pilot/artist/stock analyst/circus elephant since…