
life lessons


In 2014, I was in a deep depression. Nothing felt meaningful or interesting. Even breathing was painful. But strange as it sounds, it was such an amazing experience that I wouldn’t trade for the world. Here’re 7 realizations about life, taught by the dark night of the soul👇 1. Compassion happens when you stop haggling with life. It was a hard blow on the ego to see friends and peers lead productive, seemingly normal lives,…

LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE ON SOUNDWISE Most of us are driven by two conflicting desires: on one hand we want to feel we’re special. The whole mission of the ego is to maintain an individual identify that makes you feel separate from the rest. Being special feels good in that sense. But on the other hand, most time we’re unwilling to make the choices which make that specialness come out and shine. There’re lots of…

LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE ON SOUNDWISE Different cultures and human societies have used rituals and ceremonies as a tool to manifest changes and usher in new energies, for thousands of years. Creating your own rituals can be a great way to bring your conscious mind and your subconscious into alignment to bring about desired changes in your internal and external worlds. In this episode, I explain the four essential elements of any powerful ritual and…

LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE ON SOUNDWISE 99% of the world suffers from low self esteem, in one form or another. If you think you’re the only person carrying that burden, it’s because everyone is so good at pretending. Because we’re all taught that to succeed you need to be confident and believe in yourself. If you doubt yourself and doubt yourself often…of your worth and your capability, that’s the sign of a healthy human. If…

Hey guys, this is episode Eight of the True Voyage soundcast and today I want to talk about…delays. Have you had the feeling that going through life is like being stuck in traffic? You’re never going anywhere that you want to go fast enough and you wonder, well, when exactly is this going to happen? When am I going to finally reach my goals? Or is this ever going to happen at all? Sometimes life…

If you want to make things happen faster in your external reality, get more sleep. If you want to embody the light of your highest consciousness and be a force of positive change in the world, get more sleep. If you want to attract the right relationships, opportunities, partners and clients into your life, get more sleep. In this episode I talk all about this simple tool to make the life of yours and everyone…

For most people, life is an inner war on a daily basis, from the smallest logistics…need to get out of bed, oh no!…to the paradigm-altering life decisions that you’re too afraid to make. There’s a firmly established command-and-judge program installed in almost everyone, to get the human self behave in such ways that the ego gets what it wants. These inner wars are exhausting (though you may not even be aware of it since you’re…

Many on the spiritual path believe that they have to diligently work on their beliefs. Because beliefs carry vibrations and “change your thoughts, change your life”, no? While it’s true that beliefs impact your state of being and working on them can be incredibly empowering and life-affirming in certain situations, the belief about the importance of beliefs often becomes counter-productive when it instigates such fear that the ego thinks a witch hunt for negative beliefs…

Being an empath is powerful, but not until you know how to use that power. When you walk in the world as an empathic being, two things are constantly happening: 1. external situations are triggering what’s inside of you that’s unacknowledged, unloved and unhealed; 2. you’re being entrained into the energy fields of other people and places. That’s why setting intentions is important– it makes it more likely for you to be the “bigger pendulum”…

Most people think of happiness as the passive reward one gets for doing something right or getting one’s way. But happiness is in fact one of your fundamental responsibilities to the world. If you want to make a positive impact on this earth, then start with actively pursuing happiness–not as a byproduct of your other worldly or spiritual goals, but as a state of being that is your new default. In this video I talk…

Many believe that the solar eclipse that’s ongoing today (Aug 21) has been affecting both the world affairs and individual lives in creating chaos, conflicts and disharmony. Personally I’ve had a turbulent week emotionally and energetically. When I mentioned it to a friend, she immediately went, “oh, it’s because of the solar eclipse!”. Is it? When things don’t go our way, most of us instinctually reject the situation as unacceptable. And in order to make…

Last week I got this email from a reader, who, like me, is an empath. Here’s what she said: “For a long time now I’ve been trying to find out where I belong as a future social worker. The more I experience the dysfunctions of the world the more wisdom I gain. But it affects me so deeply because I’m an empath. I’m determined to do the work because I love people. All I…

A common question readers ask me is “How do I find my purpose?” Just this week, someone emailed me and said, “Even though I trust the universe for finding my way. I still question myself so much about how, where, and when. What do I do?” Before we talk about what your mission is, I want to ask you this question: Why do you want to know your purpose in life? What is wrong with not…