


Most people avoid the feeling of emptiness like a plague. And that’s for very good reasons. However, if you’re on a spiritual path of sorts, I want to tell you that your relationship with emptiness is actually one of the most important spiritual skills to master. Having a “friendly” relationship with that seemingly horrible void is a sign of spiritual maturity. And the emptiness can teach you so much about the nature of existence, and…

In this episode of True Voyage I talk about the relationships that don’t “work out”. As long as you’re human, you’ve probably had those. And sucky as they are, those are a primary tool life uses to help you evolve in consciousness. Heartbreak is life’s invitation to you to deepen the love affair with your precious self. And more importantly–for those who are ready–it is also a doorway to your inner freedom and authentic power…if…

If you’ve ever lost anyone you loved—to a breakup, a divorce, an illness, a death—you probably wondered, in the depth of those sleepless nights when you were engrossed in pain and enraged against the Universe…what’s the point? No matter whose “fault” it was– yours, theirs, God’s, and no matter how much the outcome could be justified, your pain is real. Your loss is undeniable. Why, indeed, were those precious connections given to you, if…

We are light beings coming into a universe of dense matters. The transition between worlds was a difficult-to-adjust, even traumatic experience to many. Even if no major trauma happened to you that you could remember, the physical existence itself is heavy, sometimes painfully heavy. If you go through life with a nagging feeling that you never belong in this world, you’re in good company. And there’s nothing wrong about it. Most of us find ways…