


If you live long enough, at some point you’ll be faced with the decision of whether to continue down a certain path (which you’ve invested time and resources in) or change direction. These are not easy choices for most people. Though if you’re used to following your own intuitive guidance with trust, big decisions can often be quite obvious.  What has worked well for me is to feel into the “liveliness” of a certain path/project/relationship/venture,…

Hey guys, this is episode Eight of the True Voyage soundcast and today I want to talk about…delays. Have you had the feeling that going through life is like being stuck in traffic? You’re never going anywhere that you want to go fast enough and you wonder, well, when exactly is this going to happen? When am I going to finally reach my goals? Or is this ever going to happen at all? Sometimes life…

I got an email the other day from a friend who is a talented writer. She felt discouraged that other people’s work gets attention and praise but not hers. “I’ve worked a long time on my craft,” she said. “But still I don’t know if I’m any good at this. Sometimes I feel it is all hopeless.” I totally sympathize. I’ve been there before. And it got me thinking: why is pursuing our dreams so…

When it comes to the secret of success, a common mistake we all make is to confuse correlation with causation. Leaders sit at the table. But that doesn’t mean sitting at the table makes you a leader. The average self-help book prescribes a set of behavioral rules for you to follow. The unspoken (and false) assumption is that since those behaviors all correlate with success, if you act the same, you’d be successful, too. This…