


The feeling of self inadequacy, and the shame, guilt, sadness associated with it, is a most human among human traits. We’re so used to it that most of the time you’re probably not even aware that you’re feeling not good enough. The pop culture of empowerment prescribes positive self belief as an antidote– if you’re feeling inadequate, you’re not talking to yourself correctly. Stop the negative thinking and believe in yourself! You’re the smartest, funniest…

Shame is one of the most powerful programming that run on the human operating system. It’s powerful partly because we impulsively want to run away from it, and what you avoid inevitably holds power over you. It’s also powerful because unlike other so called negative emotions, such as fear, sadness, and anger, the target of shame is almost always the self. Not even any ephemeral aspect of the self. But the self in its totality…

Guilt, shame, and fear carry a bad rep in spiritual circles. They are “low vibration”, keeping you from your personal freedom, the villains. You should get rid of them as fast as you’re able… but should you? Every script that has ever been running your life served a constructive purpose, at least at the time when they were installed. In the name of advancing our conscious evolution, we sometimes forget that our old programming, however…