Many claim they want more freedom. But few are actually able to handle real freedom. The truth is whatever constraints and limitations we have in life also provide security, predictability and comfort. Most people would rather have that…than freedom. Though it may seem otherwise, what’s really stopping you from having more freedom is not external constraints. But rather, internal alignment. [vsw id=”SMYRWJzL3BI” source=”youtube” width=”300″ height=”169″ autoplay=”no”] * * * Like this post? Sign up to never…
Lots of my readers ask me when they will find “the one”. Recently I got this message from a lovely person: “I want to meet a love partner, but it just doesn’t seem to come my way yet. Mind you I am not desperate. But I have a lot of capacity for love. I don’t know where to direct it except to my family. I’d love to have a baby, but that’s apparently not coming my…
A common question readers ask me is “How do I find my purpose?” Just this week, someone emailed me and said, “Even though I trust the universe for finding my way. I still question myself so much about how, where, and when. What do I do?” Before we talk about what your mission is, I want to ask you this question: Why do you want to know your purpose in life? What is wrong with not…
Is “working on yourself” working for you? A reader who’s going through a tough period in her personal transformation asked for help. She felt “as if everything I’ve ever worked for internally and spiritually has been efforts for nothing at all”. Sound familiar? Then watch the video. In this video, I talk about–obviously–whether “working on yourself” is a useful pursuit. Hint: the answer is yes and no, because I’m excellent at dodging questions. I also talk about: why…