
human consciousness


You didn’t create the individual identity you’re carrying right now. It was installed in you as part of the “package deal” of your human consciousness, and shaped early on by your upbringing and your DNA. Yes, you’ve enhanced and polished this identity as you travel through time and space. But for most people, their individual identity is hardly a creation of their own, but rather, a prison that they are confined by.  This ancient irony…

The sense of identification with a localized self– “I”, “me”, “mine”– is a made-up concept created out of thin air (literally), by the powerful universal consciousness that all of us embody. This “pseudo-self”, though having no basis in reality, is nonetheless a genius invention that has served humanity well. Because it gives the species an effective tool to be laser focused on its own survival.   The pseudo-self has a simple mandate: to not die. Everything…