Modern physics has discovered that the world works very differently at the sub-atomic level. Up here in the “normal” world, we have space and time, gravity and speed, shapes and colors, right and wrong, good and bad… At the sub-atomic level, none of those apply anymore. Time grinds to a halt. Space is almost non-present. Particles can multi-locate and seem capable of moving faster than the speed of light. In other words, once activities move…
I’m a huge fan of the Disney movie Frozen when it first came out in 2013. Last week, Frozen 2 was released in theatres. As of yesterday afternoon, I already watched it three times (Don’t judge. I have justifications!) A fairytale like Frozen is highly symbolic– it represents an archetypal story of a certain aspect of human existence. And the archetype of Frozen’s heroine, Elsa, is one that’s particularly instructional to any empathic badass, or…
Your yoga teacher, shrink and shaman all told you that you should practice meditation. You saw Ellen Degeneres endorse TM—that’s Transcendental Meditation for those who’ve lived under a rock for the past fifty years—on TV and thought perhaps it was time to invest $1000 in your spiritual growth. So you decide you will start meditating…soon…but definitely not this weekend. You’re supposed to go to three July 4th BBQs this weekend. Well, if you haven’t got…