
life purpose


When I was in kindergarten, life felt meaningless. “Is this all there is?” I asked myself, sadly. My parents didn’t understand. “We bought you (another) pretty dress! Why are you still not happy?” I became a philosopher at the ripe old age of Nine– the beginning of a quest for meaning that lasted 20+ years. Nietzsche and Kant were my besties, Indian gurus and Peruvian shamans my go-to guides. Did I become more profound? Yes.…

LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE ON SOUNDWISE It’s tempting to think that your life purpose is an item, a thing, a career, or something to do. But the truth is it’s none of that. The concept of life purpose is only relevant when you find it missing from your life. And the reason you find it missing, is not actually because of a lack of purpose, but instead, is the result of two things: 1) you…

A common question readers ask me is “How do I find my purpose?” Just this week, someone emailed me and said, “Even though I trust the universe for finding my way. I still question myself so much about how, where, and when. What do I do?” Before we talk about what your mission is, I want to ask you this question: Why do you want to know your purpose in life? What is wrong with not…