Being an empath is powerful, but not until you know how to use that power. When you walk in the world as an empathic being, two things are constantly happening: 1. external situations are triggering what’s inside of you that’s unacknowledged, unloved and unhealed; 2. you’re being entrained into the energy fields of other people and places. That’s why setting intentions is important– it makes it more likely for you to be the “bigger pendulum”…
If you’re a highly empathic/sensitive person, you probably have an above-average amount of desire to help and heal others. Because you feel others’ pain so intensely (sometimes you’re more aware of someone’s pain than the person themselves), you make a mission of yours to uplift the world around you. However, such missions often end up in frustration. Because here’s the irony. The sensitivity that makes you a kind/compassionate person also makes you highly susceptible to…