I’m a huge fan of the Disney movie Frozen when it first came out in 2013. Last week, Frozen 2 was released in theatres. As of yesterday afternoon, I already watched it three times (Don’t judge. I have justifications!)
A fairytale like Frozen is highly symbolic– it represents an archetypal story of a certain aspect of human existence. And the archetype of Frozen’s heroine, Elsa, is one that’s particularly instructional to any empathic badass, or anyone on a quest to discover who they really are, for that matter.
Needless to say, I highly recommend Frozen 2 if you haven’t watched it (it’s even better than the first one). But if you want to make the most of this movie– use it to support your own growth journey– I suggest you watch it in a particular way, which I’ll explain in Episode 86 of the School of Intuition
In Episode 86 of the SoI, I also talk about the six overarching lessons one can gather from the Elsa archetype, and how to apply them to your own journey of self discovery and expanding consciousness.

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