No I’m not exiting blockchain investments. The industry will 20x in the next decade and more. I’m only exiting bitcoin. Before the maxies dunk on me, I’m not saying bitcoin would go to zero. It won’t. It would probably go up, a lot. But that doesn’t change what I’m saying below. If you’re a farmer, you 1) collect this year’s harvest —> 2) use that money to buy seeds, fertilizers, machines —> 3) plant more…
(This article is originally published on Last night in the shower, you had an ingenious idea for a new business. You rushed to the desk to write it down, with water still dripping down your back. Your [insert the brilliant thing] is going to change the universe! It’s time to call up investors, assemble a team and . . . stop! Stop right there! Before plunging into execution, you should confirm you’re solving a problem…
You just need to be really smart… I’m kidding! Actually the weird thing is having great ideas has nothing to do with your IQ. How do I know? I’m smart. (Stop fooling around and get to the point, Natasha!) Ok, ok. Last August when I left my job, I spent all days sitting on the floor, scheming the next stage of my career. I’d madly write down ideas on scraps of paper, making my living…