


Most approaches that claim to help with stress cure the symptoms, not the cause. That’s why they are called “stress management”– they make your stress and anxiety more manageable, but they don’t make them go away. Earlier this week I had to have a sit-down talk with myself because I was feeling overwhelmed. So I channeled the Source to explore my own stress. The result was some illuminating messages that I want to share with…

Many on the spiritual path believe that they have to diligently work on their beliefs. Because beliefs carry vibrations and “change your thoughts, change your life”, no? While it’s true that beliefs impact your state of being and working on them can be incredibly empowering and life-affirming in certain situations, the belief about the importance of beliefs often becomes counter-productive when it instigates such fear that the ego thinks a witch hunt for negative beliefs…

A few years ago I was in Arizona one weekend learning horse whispering (just a fancy name for a style of horsemanship that focuses on building rapport with, instead of using force on horses. Actual whispering is entirely optional and probably futile). I’ve always loved horses but had little experience with them. To get things started, the trainer made me stand in a round pen by myself with a chestnut colored beauty. “Let’s first test…

We live in a society obsessed about fixing wounds and finding remedies. We judge, analyze, and create theories about our wounds. We think we are not ok because of our wounds. We take them apart and put them back together. We believe if we could just heal this childhood trauma and cure that emotional disorder, we would finally be happy and free. You can always find more wounds to heal, if you so choose. You…

I got an email the other day from a friend who is a talented writer. She felt discouraged that other people’s work gets attention and praise but not hers. “I’ve worked a long time on my craft,” she said. “But still I don’t know if I’m any good at this. Sometimes I feel it is all hopeless.” I totally sympathize. I’ve been there before. And it got me thinking: why is pursuing our dreams so…